Instagram, should I stay or should I go?
A big question is swimming around in my head.
It’s been there for about a year now, previously it was just a single celled organism tickling my subconscious and presenting itself like a mild discomfort. But then it grew legs and now it’s loud, clear and present every day. It’s nagging me like a four year old.
“What’s the point of staying on social media?”
Wait… just let me finish…! Don’t go commenting yet! I haven’t yet deleted my Instagram account.
Here’s what is doing circles in my head:
There’s this platform owned by a gazillionaire.
It works only if we (users) create and consume content.
Content is created and consumed within seconds and then requires more content to be made.
We consume mostly useless content in mostly useless tiny bite sizes.
As a business I’ve been lead to believe that I NEED to grow followers and “stay relevant”.
The content digestion isn’t the main thing that is bothering me, it’s the purpose. It seems like we are lost in a digital world of micro moments which are disconnected from each other and have little meaningful impact on our lives.
I’m generalising here, I know. There are plenty of important accounts that are changing lives, helping people, bringing light to worthy causes.
But even then, their information is digested in 10-30 seconds (on a good day), evoking some kind of emotional response, then swiped away and exchanged for another 10-30 seconds of giggles or shock or outrage or cuteness or gossip or a tutorial or whatever.
As a consumer I’m no longer interested in this menu, it’s like degustation on steroids and it is increasingly leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
But I’m part of it. Contributing, consuming, contributing and consuming.
You might argue that it’s a place where we can stay connected with each other but I would point out that out of my 42,744 followers, less than 1000 see my content every time I post it.
You might say that what i share brings happiness and makes people smile and teaches wonderful skills and I would agree, but could I continue to do that just via a different platform and in a more meaningful way?
You might tell me that you love following all your favourite creatives on a single platform, and I do too.
I follow only 110 accounts but there is no way that i can tell you with any great depth what any of them are truly doing. My engagement is on the surface. I can’t imagine what it’s like for people who follow 200, 500 or even 1000 accounts. How do they genuinely “follow” along and know what’s happening?
There was a time when I was mentally so switched on to regular posting to the point where anything I was doing during my work day (and sometimes non work days) had an “instagrammable” opportunity attached to it.
Relaxing on the verandah with my embroidery while it’s raining and I’m drinking tea.
Snap and caption: “Just a regular day at the office!” (987 likes, 23 comments)
A parcel arrives from a supplier.
Snap and caption: “Here’s what 20,000 skeins of thread looks like, phew, somebody help me unpack this!” (1106 likes, 18 comments)
Anyway you get the gist.
I won’t go on because sarcasm is trying to rear its ugly (albeit comical) head.
The other questions that keeps arising is “what are we actually doing??” What is this and what have we created? What does it compare to from our lives before social media?
Did anyone used to stand on street corners holding up enlarged photos of their restaurant dish, or a picture of their husband and shout on the street: “I love you Brian! You’re my rock, my everything!!!” Did people pin photos of luxury holidays yachting around the Seychelles to the work notice board with a post it note underneath that read: “So blessed and grateful.”
Hey, I’m not pointing fingers. I DID IT TOO!!! My Insta stories were full of that shit! I was in on it. I bought into the cult.
(Breathe out slowly Kasia, it’s ok… now keep typing. Calmly.)
Let me paint a picture of what I would prefer instead of just criticising what I don’t prefer:
Connection with EVERY person who chooses to follow my work, not just when an algorithm decides.
Useful and inspiring content that you can easily find when you need it.
An online space free of ads popping up or content you didn’t choose to see that jumps into your feed.
Wait… that sounds like a website and a newsletter. Sounds way too simple. Surely it should be more complicated. And of course I have wondered how will people find me, I haven’t figured that out yet, but I sure as heck won’t be advertising on Instagram with: “Hey visit my website so you don’t have to be on this platform that I’m… using… to ummmm… advertise… to……”
No, but seriously, I could keep listing reasons of why I I feel that my relationship with Instagram (maybe also Facebook) is coming to an end.
It won’t be an ugly break up though, I still appreciate its values. We might just end up “consciously uncoupling” perhaps staying “friends” for a while before I completely delete its number from my phone.
But I’m not there yet.
There is a part of my brain that is wondering if this is business suicide. How can I run a business and do marketing without social media? Have I gone mad? I may as well just close down and find a “real job”.
What if this idea is crazy enough to be the best thing ever? What if I CAN run my business differently?
What if… WE can create something new together.
(What if we go bankrupt? Be quiet Sensible Adult Kasia!)
Now it’s your turn my besties, my darling stitchy friends!
Tell me what you think, let it rip.
Don’t hold back.
Criticise, praise, share your own feelings about Insta (or FB).
Are you fed up too? Are you a business questioning the whole thing too?
I am eager to know you better. And I certainly won’t get to know you via 10 a second Insta story.